Please download and install the prolfquadata
from github
conflicted::conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
datadir <- file.path(find.package("prolfquadata") , "quantdata")
inputFragfile <- file.path(datadir, "")
inputAnnotation <- file.path(datadir, "annotation_Ionstar2018_PXD003881.xlsx")
annotation <- readxl::read_xlsx(inputAnnotation)
## Error in get(paste0(generic, ".", class), envir = get_method_env()) :
## object 'type_sum.accel' not found
unzip(inputFragfile, list = TRUE)
## Name Length
## 1 IonstarWithMSFragger/combined_peptide.tsv 10202897
## 2 IonstarWithMSFragger/combined_protein.tsv 5288537
## 3 IonstarWithMSFragger/fragger.params 8423
## 4 IonstarWithMSFragger/fragpipe_2021-02-18_20-02-51.config 7509
## 5 IonstarWithMSFragger/log_2021-02-18_23-40-52.txt 585337
## 6 IonstarWithMSFragger/mbr_ion.tsv 52755282
## 7 IonstarWithMSFragger/MSstats.csv 147944334
## 8 IonstarWithMSFragger/ 861960
## 9 IonstarWithMSFragger/reprint.spc.tsv 276563
## Date
## 1 2021-02-18 23:40:00
## 2 2021-02-18 23:40:00
## 3 2021-02-18 20:02:00
## 4 2021-02-18 20:02:00
## 5 2021-02-18 23:41:00
## 6 2021-02-18 23:39:00
## 7 2021-02-18 23:40:00
## 8 2021-02-18 23:40:00
## 9 2021-02-18 22:47:00
msstats <- read.csv(
header = TRUE,
sep = ",",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
msstats <- tibble::tibble(msstats)
msstats$Run <- tolower(msstats$Run)
merged <- dplyr::inner_join(annotation, msstats, by = c("raw.file" = "Run"))
summedPep <- merged |> dplyr::group_by(raw.file, run_ID, sample, ProteinName, PeptideSequence) |> dplyr::summarize(nprecursor = dplyr::n(),pepIntensity = sum(Intensity, na.rm = TRUE), .groups = "drop")
atable <- prolfqua::AnalysisTableAnnotation$new()
atable$fileName = "raw.file"
atable$hierarchy[["protein_Id"]] <- c("ProteinName")
atable$hierarchy[["peptide_Id"]] <- c("PeptideSequence")
atable$hierarchyDepth <- 1
atable$factors[["dilution."]] = "sample"
atable$factors[["run"]] = "run_ID"
atable$factorDepth <- 1
config <- prolfqua::AnalysisConfiguration$new(atable)
adata <- prolfqua::setup_analysis(summedPep, config)
lfqdata <- prolfqua::LFQData$new(adata, config)
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
## isotopeLabel protein_Id peptide_Id
## <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 light 5122 31107
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
## isotopeLabel protein_Id peptide_Id
## <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 light 3904 29889
## # A tibble: 1 × 3
## isotopeLabel protein_Id peptide_Id
## <chr> <int> <int>
## 1 light 3904 29889
knitr::kable(lfqdata$hierarchy_counts(), caption = "number of proteins and peptides.")
isotopeLabel | protein_Id | peptide_Id |
light | 3904 | 29889 |
pl <- lfqdata$get_Plotter()
subset_h <- lfqdata$get_copy()$get_Transformer()$log2()$lfq
subset_h$data <- subset_h$data |> dplyr::filter(grepl("HUMAN", protein_Id))
tr <- lfqdata$get_Transformer()
lfqdataPeptideNorm <- tr$log2()$robscale_subset(lfqsubset = subset_h)$lfq
pl <- lfqdataPeptideNorm$get_Plotter()
hm <- pl$NA_heatmap()
Contrasts <- c(
"dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2" = "dilution.e - dilution.d",
"dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25" = "dilution.d - dilution.c",
"dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3)" = "dilution.c - dilution.b",
"dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5" = "dilution.b - dilution.a"
lmmodel <- "~ dilution."
lmmodel <- paste0(lfqdataNormalized$config$table$get_response() , lmmodel)
modelFunction <- prolfqua::strategy_lm( lmmodel, model_name = "Model")
mod <- prolfqua::build_model(lfqdataNormalized$data, modelFunction)
contr <- prolfqua::Contrasts$new(mod, Contrasts)
contrimp <- prolfqua::ContrastsMissing$new(lfqdataNormalized, Contrasts)
merged <- prolfqua::merge_contrasts_results(contr, contrimp)
mergedmod <- prolfqua::ContrastsModerated$new(merged$merged)
cp <- mergedmod$get_Plotter()
ttd <- prolfqua::ionstar_bench_preprocess(mergedmod$get_contrasts())
benchmark_prolfqua <- prolfqua::make_benchmark(ttd$data,
model_description = "prolfqua_merged",
model_name = "prolfqua_merged",
FDRvsFDP = list(list(score = "FDR", desc = FALSE))
contrast | what | AUC | pAUC_10 | pAUC_20 |
all | diff | 95.08941 | 75.62771 | 85.05479 |
all | scaled.p.value | 96.04553 | 83.17176 | 87.64209 |
all | statistic | 96.03922 | 83.09677 | 87.62712 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | diff | 93.72267 | 81.39620 | 85.65552 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | scaled.p.value | 93.58459 | 83.35680 | 85.19206 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | statistic | 93.58722 | 83.28201 | 85.20315 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | diff | 95.03489 | 82.50829 | 88.05018 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | scaled.p.value | 96.92545 | 88.24154 | 90.65322 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | statistic | 96.90698 | 88.16417 | 90.61789 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | diff | 94.31033 | 63.86013 | 79.61097 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | scaled.p.value | 94.87680 | 78.15999 | 83.92652 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | statistic | 94.86947 | 77.91034 | 83.86978 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | diff | 96.50924 | 74.39250 | 86.26315 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | scaled.p.value | 98.23989 | 88.83473 | 93.14924 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | statistic | 98.22705 | 88.70681 | 93.08966 |
prolfqua::table_facade(benchmark_prolfqua$smc$summary, "Nr of estimated contrasts")
nr_missing | protein_Id |
0 | 3899 |
se <- prolfqua::LFQDataToSummarizedExperiment(lfqdataNormalized)
fit <- proDA::proDA(se, design = ~ dilution. - 1, data_is_log_transformed = TRUE)
contr <- list()
contr[["dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2"]] <- data.frame(
contrast = "dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2",
proDA::test_diff(fit, contrast = "dilution.e - dilution.d"))
contr[["dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25"]] <- data.frame(
contrast = "dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25",
proDA::test_diff(fit, contrast = "dilution.d - dilution.c"))
contr[["dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3)"]] <- data.frame(
contrast = "dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3)",
proDA::test_diff(fit, contrast = "dilution.c - dilution.b"))
contr[["dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5"]] <- data.frame(
contrast = "dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5",
proDA::test_diff(fit, contrast = "dilution.b - dilution.a" ))
bb <- dplyr::bind_rows(contr)
ttd <- prolfqua::ionstar_bench_preprocess( bb , idcol = "name" )
benchmark_proDA <- prolfqua::make_benchmark(ttd$data,
contrast = "contrast",
toscale = c("pval"),
fcestimate = "diff",
benchmark = list(
list(score = "diff", desc = TRUE),
list(score = "t_statistic", desc = TRUE),
list(score = "scaled.pval", desc = TRUE)
model_description = "proDA_medpolishInt",
model_name = "proDA",
FDRvsFDP = list(list(score = "adj_pval", desc = FALSE))
, hierarchy = c("name"), summarizeNA = "t_statistic"
sumarry <- benchmark_proDA$smc$summary
prolfqua::table_facade(sumarry, caption = "nr of proteins with 0, 1, 2, 3 missing contrasts.")
nr_missing | name |
0 | 3899 |
contrast | what | AUC | pAUC_10 | pAUC_20 |
all | diff | 94.93411 | 75.93204 | 85.38220 |
all | scaled.pval | 95.09318 | 80.01212 | 84.66020 |
all | t_statistic | 95.09318 | 80.01212 | 84.66020 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | diff | 94.63617 | 83.29955 | 87.92716 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | scaled.pval | 92.90655 | 81.24404 | 83.66242 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | t_statistic | 92.90655 | 81.24404 | 83.66242 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | diff | 94.98945 | 85.11985 | 89.62882 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | scaled.pval | 96.47262 | 85.71922 | 88.54897 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | t_statistic | 96.47262 | 85.71922 | 88.54897 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | diff | 93.61285 | 61.76129 | 77.63309 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | scaled.pval | 93.28098 | 74.51681 | 80.27637 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | t_statistic | 93.28098 | 74.51681 | 80.27637 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | diff | 96.27883 | 73.69306 | 85.71381 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | scaled.pval | 97.49176 | 84.89702 | 89.57879 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | t_statistic | 97.49176 | 84.89702 | 89.57879 |
prolfqua::table_facade(benchmark_proDA$smc$summary, "Nr of estimated contrasts")
nr_missing | name |
0 | 3899 |
To use proDA
, we need to create an
. We use the to_wide
function of prolfqua
to get the data in in the
compatible format.
As usual, two steps are required, first fit the models, then compute the contrasts.
prlm <- msqrobHurdle(pe,
i = "protein",
formula = ~dilution.,
overwrite = TRUE)
Since msqrob does not report average abundances, we are computing them for each contrast.
st <- lfqdataNormalized$get_Stats()
protAbundanceIngroup <- st$stats()
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |>
id_cols = protein_Id,
names_from = dilution.,
names_prefix = "abd.",
values_from = meanAbundance)
L <- makeContrast(c("dilution.e-dilution.d=0",
parameterNames = c("dilution.e",
prlm <- hypothesisTestHurdle(prlm, i = "protein", L, overwrite = TRUE)
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |> dplyr::mutate( avgAbd.e.d = mean( c(abd.e,abd.d), na.rm = TRUE) )
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |> dplyr::mutate( avgAbd.d.c = mean( c(abd.d,abd.c), na.rm = TRUE) )
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |> dplyr::mutate( avgAbd.c.b = mean( c(abd.c,abd.b), na.rm = TRUE) )
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |> dplyr::mutate( avgAbd.b.a = mean( c(abd.b,abd.a), na.rm = TRUE) )
xx <- rowData(prlm[["protein"]])
hurdle <- xx[grepl("hurdle_",names(xx))]
res <- list()
for (i in names(hurdle)) {
hurdle[[i]]$contrast <- i
res[[i]] <- prolfqua::matrix_to_tibble(hurdle[[i]], preserve_row_names = "name")
hurdle <- dplyr::bind_rows(res)
Now we need to merge the results of both models msqrobHurdleIntensity
and msqrobHurdleCount. To find out which models were not estimated by
we check for NA’s and use the
to select those from the
logFC <- hurdle |> dplyr::select("name","contrast", starts_with("logFC"))
logFC <- dplyr::filter(logFC ,!
logFC$modelName <- "msqrobHurdleIntensity"
names(logFC) <- c("name","contrast","logFC","se","df","t","pval","modelName")
logOR <- hurdle |> dplyr::select("name","contrast", starts_with("logOR"))
logOR$modelName <- "msqrobHurdleCount"
names(logOR) <- c("name","contrast","logFC","se","df","t","pval","modelName")
ddd <- dplyr::anti_join(logOR , logFC, by = c("name", "contrast"))
all <- dplyr::bind_rows(ddd , logFC) |> dplyr::arrange(contrast, name)
all <- prolfqua::adjust_p_values(all, column = "pval", group_by_col = "contrast")
all$contrast |> unique()
## [1] "hurdle_dilution.b" "hurdle_dilution.c - dilution.b"
## [3] "hurdle_dilution.d - dilution.c" "hurdle_dilution.e - dilution.d"
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |>
dplyr::select(-starts_with("abd")) |>
tidyr::pivot_longer(starts_with("avgAbd"), names_to = "contrast" ,values_to = "avgAbd")
protAbundanceIngroup <- protAbundanceIngroup |>
dplyr::mutate(contrast =
dplyr::case_when(contrast == "avgAbd.e.d" ~ "dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2",
contrast == "avgAbd.d.c" ~ "dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25",
contrast == "avgAbd.c.b" ~ "dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3)",
contrast == "avgAbd.b.a" ~ "dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5",
TRUE ~ "something wrong"))
all <- all |> dplyr::mutate(contrast = dplyr::case_when(
contrast == "hurdle_dilution.e - dilution.d" ~ "dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2",
contrast == "hurdle_dilution.d - dilution.c" ~ "dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25",
contrast == "hurdle_dilution.c - dilution.b" ~ "dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3)",
contrast == "hurdle_dilution.b" ~ "dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5",
TRUE ~ "something wrong"))
stopifnot(sum(all$contrast == "something wrong") == 0 )
stopifnot(sum(all$contrast == "something wrong") == 0 )
bb <- dplyr::inner_join(all, protAbundanceIngroup, by = c("name" = "protein_Id", "contrast" = "contrast"))
Here we use proflqua
benchmark functions to generate
some summaries.
ttd <- prolfqua::ionstar_bench_preprocess( bb , idcol = "name" )
benchmark_msqrob <- prolfqua::make_benchmark(ttd$data,
contrast = "contrast",
toscale = c("pval"),
fcestimate = "logFC",
benchmark = list(
list(score = "logFC", desc = TRUE),
list(score = "t", desc = TRUE),
list(score = "scaled.pval", desc = TRUE)
model_description = "msqrob_QFeature",
model_name = "msqrob2",
FDRvsFDP = list(list(score = "FDR", desc = FALSE))
, hierarchy = c("name"), summarizeNA = "t"
sumarry <- benchmark_msqrob$smc$summary
prolfqua::table_facade(sumarry, caption = "nr of proteins with 0, 1, 2, 3 missing contrasts.")
nr_missing | name |
0 | 3899 |
res <- benchmark_msqrob$pAUC_summaries()
knitr::kable(res$ftable$content,caption = res$ftable$caption)
contrast | what | AUC | pAUC_10 | pAUC_20 |
all | logFC | 95.28429 | 77.26238 | 86.27762 |
all | scaled.pval | 96.11219 | 83.36280 | 87.89590 |
all | t | 96.08561 | 83.14210 | 87.76231 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | logFC | 95.95577 | 85.38291 | 90.42446 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | scaled.pval | 95.75265 | 85.54075 | 88.85923 |
dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5 | t | 95.71773 | 85.23075 | 88.68102 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | logFC | 95.77607 | 85.56448 | 90.53485 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | scaled.pval | 97.05394 | 88.87187 | 91.97448 |
dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3) | t | 97.03145 | 88.70474 | 91.89117 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | logFC | 93.49705 | 65.08673 | 79.62722 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | scaled.pval | 94.18917 | 78.51848 | 83.36609 |
dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25 | t | 94.15678 | 78.33434 | 83.18942 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | logFC | 95.72366 | 73.87153 | 84.78715 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | scaled.pval | 97.60333 | 86.18294 | 90.60964 |
dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2 | t | 97.58486 | 85.98590 | 90.50751 |
ROC curves
benchmark_msqrob$plot_ROC(xlim = 0.2)
plot ROC curves
plot FDR vs FDP
annotation <- readxl::read_xlsx(inputAnnotation)
msstats2 <- read.csv(
header = TRUE,
sep = ",",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
msstats2$BioReplicate <- NULL
msstats2$Run <- tolower(msstats2$Run)
msstats2$Condition <- NULL
#msstats$BioReplicate <- NULL
annotation2 <- annotation
annotation2$BioReplicate <- annotation2$run_ID
annotation2$run_ID <- NULL
annotation2$date <- NULL
annotation2$Condition <- annotation2$sample
annotation2$sample <- NULL
msstats2 <- dplyr::inner_join(msstats2 , annotation2, by = c(Run = "raw.file"))
pin <- unique(lfqdataNormalized$data$protein_Id)
# keep only the same proteins which are analysed also with msqrob2, proDA and prolfqua
msstats2 <- dplyr::filter(msstats2, ProteinName %in% pin)
msstats2$ProteinName |> unique() |> length()
## [1] 3904
msstatscolumns <- c("ProteinName", "PeptideSequence", "PrecursorCharge" , "FragmentIon" , "ProductCharge" , "IsotopeLabelType", "Condition","BioReplicate","Run",
"Fraction" ,"Intensity" )
QuantData <- MSstats::dataProcess(msstats2, use_log_file = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)
# based on multiple comparisons (T1 vs T3; T1 vs T7; T1 vs T9)
comparison1 <- matrix(c(0,0,0,-1,1),nrow = 1)
comparison2 <- matrix(c(0,0,-1,1,0),nrow = 1)
comparison3 <- matrix(c(0,-1,1,0,0),nrow = 1)
comparison4 <- matrix(c(-1,1,0,0,0),nrow = 1)
comparison <- rbind(comparison1,comparison2, comparison3, comparison4)
row.names(comparison) <- c("dilution_(9/7.5)_1.2","dilution_(7.5/6)_1.25","dilution_(6/4.5)_1.3(3)","dilution_(4.5/3)_1.5")
colnames(comparison) <- c("a","b","c","d","e")
testResultMultiComparisons <- MSstats::groupComparison(
contrast.matrix = comparison,
data = QuantData,
verbose = FALSE,
use_log_file = FALSE)
bb <- testResultMultiComparisons$ComparisonResult
ttd <- prolfqua::ionstar_bench_preprocess(bb, idcol = "Protein")
benchmark_msstats <- prolfqua::make_benchmark(
contrast = "Label",
toscale = c("pvalue"),
fcestimate = "log2FC",
benchmark = list(
list(score = "log2FC", desc = TRUE),
list(score = "Tvalue", desc = TRUE),
list(score = "scaled.pvalue", desc = TRUE)
model_description = "MSStats",
model_name = "MSStats",
FDRvsFDP = list(list(score = "adj.pvalue", desc = FALSE))
, hierarchy = c("Protein"), summarizeNA = "Tvalue"
## [1] 3897
sumarry <- benchmark_msstats$smc$summary
prolfqua::table_facade(sumarry, caption = "nr of proteins with 0, 1, 2, 3 missing contrasts.")
nr_missing | Protein |
0 | 3798 |
1 | 61 |
2 | 26 |
3 | 6 |
4 | 6 |
Direct comparison with msqrob2 is impossible since, to fit the
dropout model, the peptide intensities are required, while here, we are
starting the analysis from the combined_proteins.tsv
allB <- list(benchmark_proDA = benchmark_proDA,
benchmark_prolfqua = benchmark_prolfqua,
benchmark_msqrob = benchmark_msqrob,
benchmark_msstats = benchmark_msstats)
bdir <- file.path("../inst/Benchresults/",format( Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"))
if (!dir.exists(bdir)) {dir.create(bdir)}
,file.path("../inst/Benchresults/",format( Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),"FragPipev14_comb_MSStats.RDS"))
proda <- allB$benchmark_proDA$pAUC_summaries()$ftable$content
proda$package <- "proda"
prolfqua <- allB$benchmark_prolfqua$pAUC_summaries()$ftable$content
prolfqua$package <- "prolfqua"
msqrob2 <- allB$benchmark_msqrob$pAUC_summaries()$ftable$content
msqrob2$package <- "msqrob2"
tmp <- dplyr::bind_rows(proda, prolfqua, msqrob2)
bmsstats <- allB$benchmark_msstats$pAUC_summaries()$ftable$content
bmsstats$package <- "MSstats"
bmsstats$contrast <- bmsstats$Label
bmsstats$Label <- NULL
tmp <- dplyr::bind_rows(list(proda, prolfqua, msqrob2, bmsstats))
tmp$what[tmp$what == "statistic"] <- "t_statistic"
tmp$what[tmp$what == "scaled.pval"] <- "scaled.p.value"
tmp$what[tmp$what == "scaled.pvalue"] <- "scaled.p.value"
tmp$what[tmp$what == "logFC"] <- "diff"
tmp$what[tmp$what == "log2FC"] <- "diff"
tmp$what[tmp$what == "t"] <- "t_statistic"
tmp$what[tmp$what == "Tvalue"] <- "t_statistic"
tmp$what |> unique()
## [1] "diff" "scaled.p.value" "t_statistic"
tmp |> ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = what, y = pAUC_10, group = package, color = NULL, fill = package)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = ggplot2::position_dodge()) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ contrast) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 1))
all <- tmp |> dplyr::filter(contrast == "all")
knitr::kable(tmp |> dplyr::filter(contrast == "all"), caption = "Table")
contrast | what | AUC | pAUC_10 | pAUC_20 | package |
all | diff | 94.93411 | 75.93204 | 85.38220 | proda |
all | scaled.p.value | 95.09318 | 80.01212 | 84.66020 | proda |
all | t_statistic | 95.09318 | 80.01212 | 84.66020 | proda |
all | diff | 95.08941 | 75.62771 | 85.05479 | prolfqua |
all | scaled.p.value | 96.04553 | 83.17176 | 87.64209 | prolfqua |
all | t_statistic | 96.03922 | 83.09677 | 87.62712 | prolfqua |
all | diff | 95.28429 | 77.26238 | 86.27762 | msqrob2 |
all | scaled.p.value | 96.11219 | 83.36280 | 87.89590 | msqrob2 |
all | t_statistic | 96.08561 | 83.14210 | 87.76231 | msqrob2 |
all | t_statistic | 96.57121 | 81.46841 | 87.43125 | MSstats |
all | diff | 95.41737 | 72.92764 | 84.40111 | MSstats |
all | scaled.p.value | 96.57664 | 81.52092 | 87.43752 | MSstats |
ggplot2::ggplot(all, ggplot2::aes(x = package, y = pAUC_10)) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~what) +
ggplot2::theme_minimal() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = -90, vjust = 0.5)) +
a1 <- allB$benchmark_proDA$smc$summary
names(a1)[2] <- "protein_Id"
a1$name <- allB$benchmark_proDA$model_name
a2 <- allB$benchmark_prolfqua$smc$summary
names(a2)[2] <- "protein_Id"
a2$name <- allB$benchmark_prolfqua$model_name
a3 <- allB$benchmark_msqrob$smc$summary
names(a3)[2] <- "protein_Id"
a3$name <- allB$benchmark_msqrob$model_name
a4 <- allB$benchmark_msstats$smc$summary
names(a4)[2] <- "protein_Id"
a4$name <- allB$benchmark_msstats$model_name
dd <- dplyr::bind_rows(list(a1,a2,a3,a4))
dd <- dd |> dplyr::mutate(nrcontrasts = protein_Id * (4 - nr_missing))
dds <- dd |> dplyr::group_by(name) |> dplyr::summarize(nrcontrasts = sum(nrcontrasts))
dds$percent <- dds$nrcontrasts/max(dds$nrcontrasts) * 100
nrgg <- dds |> ggplot2::ggplot(ggplot2::aes(x = name, y = nrcontrasts )) +
ggplot2::geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "white", colour = "black") +
ggplot2::coord_cartesian(ylim = c(min(dds$nrcontrasts) - 200, max(dds$nrcontrasts) + 10)) +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(angle = -90, vjust = 0.5)) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = paste0(round(nrcontrasts, digits = 1), paste0(" (",round(percent, digits = 1),"%)"))),
vjust = 0, hjust = -0.2, angle = -90) #+
Number of comparisons for each method